Mr. Daniel Bernard
754- 6427, Green Park Avenue
New York NY 25252
23th November, 2020
Mr. Chaney Bennett
654- 6427,Green Park Avenue
New York NY 25252
Reg: Acceptance of Maintenance Letter
Dear Chaney Bennett,
We would like to inform you that we have accepted your maintenance proposal for our brand new building located on Green Park Avenue, New York. After careful consideration, we believe that your organization will be the perfect fit for the company.
Your understanding of the industry and the innovations is like no other, and we trust your ability to undertake the assigned task and complete it with the most dedication. We would like to tell you more about our company, and what we do so you have a better understanding before you join us. Please find a welcome brochure attached which will provide you with all the information you require.
If you have any more questions, please feel free to call me at 222-222-2222. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you
Daniel Bernard
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