Robert Franklin
XYZ Company
51. West Byron Street,
Chicago, IL – 60618.
Phone No: 222 222 222
Email: [email protected].
July 5, 2019
Jack Wilkins
Manager, HR
ABC Company
123 Main Street
Columbus, OH 43266
Dear Wilkins,
We would just like to confirm the agreement made during a phone conversation on Friday, June 21st, 2019.
As per our conversation, our company, XYZ Company, agrees to deliver a 500 pieces of DELL computer to your location in Florida every week for the duration of 10 weeks. Upon completion of this task, we will receive the sum of $10 million dollars. If we fail to meet our obligations, all terms of the contract will be terminated and we will receive no compensation for our work.
Please respond to verify that all the above information is correct and to confirm your obligation in this agreement.
Thanking you.
Robert Franklin
XYZ Company
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