Odious Definition: The definition of odious is something that is extremely unpleasant or hated. Synonyms: Abhorrent, Abominable, Detestable, Disgusting, Execrable Antonyms: Agreeable, Charming, Congenial, Delightful, Enchanting … [Read more...] about Odious – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Onerous – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Onerous Definition: The definition of onerous is something hard to do, or troublesome. Synonyms: Burdensome, Troublesome, Backbreaking, Wearing, Oppressive Antonyms: Easy, Fluent, Harmless, Comfortable … [Read more...] about Onerous – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Opinion – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Opinion Definition: The definition of an opinion is a belief, impression, judgment or prevailing view held by a person. Synonyms: Thought, Idea, Judgment, Theory, Dogma Antonyms: Silence, Dictation, Non-committal, Execution, Order … [Read more...] about Opinion – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Opportunity – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Opportunity Definition: The definition of an opportunity is an favorable situation for a positive outcome. Synonyms: Chance, Occasion, Turn, Scope, Window Antonyms: Omission, Lapse, Neglect, Leave undone … [Read more...] about Opportunity – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Optimistic – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym
Optimistic Definition: The definition of optimistic is a feeling or attitude of being positive or hopeful about the future. Synonyms: Hopeful, Confident, Brave, Bright, Cheerful Antonyms: Pessimist, Dejected, Drooping, Disappointment, Cheerless … [Read more...] about Optimistic – Definition, Synonyms and Antonym