Introduction: Education is a basic right. No nation can make effective progress without education. So education is the backbone of a nation. By education, we mean the system of formal learning. This formal learning is acquired in the educatio11al. institutions. Bangladesh is not developed in the education sector. Compared to the increase in population, the number of educational institutions in the public sector has not increased. So the passed students have to suffer a lot for Wait of educational institutions.
The systems of private universities in Bangladesh: Many of our students cannot be able to get themselves admitted to any institution. As there is no alternative way, They are compelled to leave the country and get themselves admitted to foreign universities. For this reason, Bangladesh is losing a great amount of national, exchange. Not for the opportunity to get higher education the people become frustrated and dissatisfied with the government. By realizing this fact, a few years ago, the government of Bangladesh approved the privet sector to come forward to challenge the education crisis and to open private universities all over the country. The govt did it to remove the crisis of getting admission to obtain higher education in private universities.
Utility: Private universities have reduced the pressure of getting admission a bit. These universities have given opportunities for admission for the students of the rich family. Public universities cannot manage a lot of seats for the students. The students have got fewer opportunities to obtain higher education. But it is a matter of fact the public universities may get a glorious position in the future.
Disadvantages: The number of private universities and medical colleges is about 100. But it is a matter of fact that proper education is not possible in those universities. These universities have an acute scarcity of land an property. They have a scarcity of qualified teachers, lack of accommodation system, scarcity of modern facilities an above all the lack of proper administration. The rich man’s and daughters can achieve only degree but this degree cannot be activated in the active life. There are corruptions in all sections. There are no useful amenities for the students. The private universities are the machines of money as the education here is the only the business purpose. Though some of the private universities are doing well most of them are in the troubles as they are providing the services for self-interest, not the interest of the student to develop their educational amenities. There view or space at all for the physical exercise, no accommodation seat only one floor or two floors in the whole university.
Conclusion: As the passed students are increasing every year and these are the scarcities of seats in admission, the necessities of private universities are obvious. The govt should take proper steps to establish its controlling power to make a good administration in the universities. The educational side of our country is related to the purpose of our national development. All the commercial activities have to be uprooted. These will do with hard discipline and strict administration. By measuring these steps by the government or UGC, education in private universities will be a hopeful purpose for our future generation.
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