Devon B Bonds
3093 Walnut Drive
Laguna Niguel
California 98657
8th August 2021
The Principal
GBR International School
881 Travis Street
Miami city
Florida 9935
Sub: Regarding Management Improvement
Respected Sir,
I am Devon and I am a Science subject teacher at our school. I am very pleased with the teaching style of the staff and also their behavior towards the students. I would like to suggest a few things I have noticed which would result in improvement and hence, improved grades of students. The number of tests held during the session is very less.
If only there would be a larger number of tests held, students would eventually be forced to study. Also, the test reports should be handed out after every test and a monthly parents-teachers meeting should be held.
So that the parents would know how their child is doing at school. No one would want to let his parents down. So they would eventually study in order to save the embarrassment. This is a tough thing to do and many rebels may rise but it will also make them educated and they would realize the benefits of this system later in life.
I hope you will consider my request and will work on in the near future.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Devon B Bonds
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