Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.
Change in Sentences – 81
(a) They liked us very much. (Negative)
(b) Flowers are now being cultivated all over the world (Voice)
( c) Akber Hossain lives in a small apartment in Dhaka. (Interrogative)·
( d) Our school library is bigger than most other libraries in the city. (Superlative)
(e) Who does not wish to be happy? (Assertive)
Answer: (a) They did not dislike us at all. (b) People are now cultivating flowers all over the world. (c) Doesn’t Akber Hossain live in a small apartment in Dhaka? (d) Our school library is one of the biggest libraries in the city. (e) Everybody wishes to be happy.
Change in Sentences – 82
(a) The roads of Dhaka are wider than those of Barisal. (Positive)
(b) But the roads are very crowded. (Interrogative)
(c) Very few cities are so dirty as Dhaka. (Superlative)
(d) We are bound to stay in this dirty city. (Negative)
(e) Steps have been taken to make it a peaceful one. (Active)
Answer: (a) The roads of Barisal are not so/as wide as those of Dhaka. (b) But aren’t the roads very crowded? (c) Dhaka is one of the dirtiest cities. ( d) We cannot but stay in this dirty city. Or, We have no alternative but to stay in this dirty city. (e) The government has taken steps to make it a peaceful one.
Change in Sentences – 83
(a) A farmer had a wonderful goose (Interrogative)
(b) It was one of the most wonderful.l geese of the world (Positive). It laid a golden egg every day
( c) The farmer was very excited to see the golden egg (Exclamatory)
( d) He sold the eggs in the market. (Passive) Gradually he becomes rich.
(e) But the farmer was not honest enough to have all the eggs in a day(Affirmative)
Answer: (a) Didn’t a farmer have a wonderful goose? (b) Very few geese in the world were as wonderful as it. ( c) How excited the farmer was to see the golden egg! ( d) The eggs were sold by him in the market. (e) But the farmer was dishonest enough to have all the eggs in a day.
Change in Sentences – 84
(a) Honesty is a great virtue. (Interrogative)
(b) Everybody likes an honest man. (Passive)
( c) Honesty is always rewarded. (Negative)
( d) No other virtue is as great as honesty. (Superlative)
(e) An honest man leads a very simple life. (Exclamatory)
Answer: (a) Isn’t honesty a great virtue? (b) An honest man is like by evetybody. ( c) Honesty never goes unrewarded. ( d) Honesty is the greatest virtue. (e) What a simple life an honest man leads!
Change in Sentences – 85
(a) Education is power. (Negative)
(b) Education is necessary for every man. (Interrogative)
(c) We should receive an education (Passive)
( d) Man is the best creation of Allah. (Pos1t1ve)
(e) No other thing for man is so useful as education. (Comparative)
Answer: (a) Education ·is not powerless. Or, It is not that education is not power. (b) Isn’t education necessary for every man? (c) Education should be received by us. (d) No other creation of Allah is as good as man. (e) Education is more useful than any other thing for man.
Change in Sentences – 86
(a) Everyone hates a liar. (Negative)
(b) Friendship is nothing but a name. (Interrogative)
(c) If l were a king! (Assertive)
( d) Whom is he teaching English? (Passive)
( e) English is spoken all over the world. (Active)
Answer: (a) None loves a liar. (b) Is friendship anything other than a name? Or, Is friendship anything but a name?. (c) I wish I were a king. (d) Who is being taught English by him (e) People speak English all over the world .
Change in Sentences – 87
(a) We should respect the old. (Negative)
(b) To respect is {great virtue. (Exclamatory)
( c) Parents deserve the right honour. (Interrogative)
(d) No other man is so great as our parents. (Superlative)
(e) Our parents have the holiest place for us. (Comparative)
Answer: (a) We should not dishonour/disrespect the old. (b) What a virtue is to respect!. Or, What a virtue to respect is!. (c) Don’t parents deserve the right honour? ( d) Our parents are the greatest of all men. (e) Our parents have place holier than any other place to us.
Change in Sentences – 88
(a) Health is wealth. (Interrogative)
(b) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Positive)
(c) A healthy man is an asset to his family. (Negative)
( d) Nobody will deny that you are wrong. (Affirmative)
(e) Everybody says that the morning shows the day. (Passive)
Answer: (a) Isn’t health wealth?. (b) A sick moneyed man is not so happy as a healthy poor man. (c) A healthy man is not a burden to his family. (d) Everybody will admit that you are wrong. (e) It is said that morning shows the day.
Change in Sentences – 89
(a) Roshan was the laziest of all. (Comparative)
(b) He did not have any concern for the studies. (Affirmative)
(c) His teachers ordered him to learn the lessons properly. (Passive)
( d) But the lessons appeared too tough for him to learn. (Negative)
(e) He is more interested in the games of COC. (Active)
Answer: (a) Roshan was lazier than all. (b) He was totally unconcerned about the studies. (c) He was ordered to learn the lessons properly by his teachers. ( d) But the lessons appeared so tough for him that he could not learn them. (e) The games of COC interest him more.
Change in Sentences – 90
(a) The mobile phone is one of the most wonderful inventions of science and technology. (Comparative)
(b) What a new dimension it has added to our life! (Assertive)
(c) It works without any wire. (Interrogative)
(d) It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. (Active)
(e) The popularity of the mobile phone is ever on increase. (Negative)
Answer: (a) Mobile phone is more wonderful than most other inventions of science and technology. (b) It has added a very new dimension to our life. (c) Doesn’t it work without any wire?. (d) We can move it easily and quicklyfrom place to place. (e) The popularity of mobile phone is never on decrease.
thank you so much.😄
go ahead. dear.