Change the following sentences as directed in the brackets.
Change in Sentences – 91
(a) Life is nothing but a struggle. (Interrogative)
(b) Who does not know this? (Assertive)
( c) Most 0f the parents impose unlimited pressure on children to establish them in society. (Passive)
(d) It is not at all wise to shine in life in a short cut way. (Affirmative)
(e) The industry is the most important secret for shining in life. (Positive)
Answer: (a) ls life anything other than a struggle? Or, ls life anything but a struggle? (b) Everybody knows this. (c) An unlimited pressure is imposed on children by most of the parents to establish them in the society. ( d) It is very unwise to shine in life in a short cut way. (e) No other secret for shining in life is so/as important as industry.
Change in Sentences – 92
(a) Students of Khulna Zilla School enjoy this game. (Passive)
(b) He is called a hero a Khagrachari High School for his achievement. (Active)
(c) Shakespeare is one of the greatest dramatists in the world. (Positive)
(d) No other boy in the class VIII is as honest as he. (Superlative)
( e) He ran the fastest of all in the school sports competition. (Comparative)
Answer: (a) This game is enjoyed by students of Khulna Zilla School. (b) The students and the teachers at Khagrachari High School achievement call him a hero for his achievement. (c) Very few dramatists in the world are as great as Shakespeare. (d) He 1s the most honest boy in the class VIII. (e) He ran faster than all other students in the school sports competition.
Change in Sentences – 93
(a) A w0man is the worst sufferer in our country. (Interrogative)
(b) She is not independent. (Affirmative)
(c) Doesn’t she depend on a man? (Make it statement sentence)
( d) She leads a very miserable life. (Exclamatory)
(e) But they should be granted equal right by us. (Active)
Answer: (a) Isn’t a woman the worst sufferer in our country? (b) She is dependent on others. (c) She depends on man. (d) What a miserable life she leads!. (e) But we should grant them equal right.
Change in Sentences – 94
(a) Very few natural calamities are so devastating as an earthquake. (Comparative)
(b) The recent earthquake in Nepal caused widespread damages killing more than 8 thousand people. (Passive)
(c) It became the strongest quake in the region. (Positive)
(d) Everybody began the desperate search for survival. (Negative)
(e) The scene was very pathetic. (Negative)
Answer: (a) Earthquake is more devastating than most other natural calamities. (b) Widespread damages were caused by the recent earthquake in Nepal killing more than 8 thousand people. (c) No otherquakein the region became so/as strong as it. (d) There was nobody but began desperate search for survival. (e) The scent was not at all pleasant/delightful.
Change in Sentences – 95
(a) Rome was not built in a day. (Active)
(b) Noman is cleverer than most other boys in the class. (Positive)
(c) Weak students are not serious about their study. (Affirmative)
( d) Exercise on grammar should be practiced frequently. (Active)
(e) The people of Cox’s Bazar are very hospitable. (Negative)
Answer: (a) The Romans/The people of Rome did not build Rome in a day. (b) Very few boys in the class are as clever as Noman. ( c) Weak students are averse to their study. Or Weak students are callous about their study. (d) The students should practice exercise on grammar frequently. (e) The people of Cox’s Bazar are not inhospitable at all.
Change in Sentences – 96
(a) Always speak the truth. (Assertive)
(b) He found the girl nowhere. (Interrogative)
( c) What made you laugh? (Passive)
(d) They let us go. (Passive)
( e) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive)
Answer: (a) We should always speak the truth. Or, You should always speak the truth. (b) Did he find the girl anywhere? (C) By what were you made to laugh? ( d) We are let to go by them. Or, By them we are let to go.
Change in Sentences – 97
(a) Eyerybody likes a cricketer. (Negative)
(b) My friend received me cordially. (Interrogative)
(c) No other thing is as useful as a computer. (Superlative)
(d) We should follow him. (Passive)
(e) The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh (Comparative)
Answer: (a) There is no one but likes a cricketer. Or, Who does n9t like a cricketer? (b) Didn’t iny friend receive nie cordially? (c) Computer is the most useful thing. (d) He should be followed by us. (e) The Padma is bigger than most other rivers in Bangladesh .
Change in Sentences – 98
(a) I shall say something about the seasons of Bangladesh. (Interrogative)
(b) There are six seasons in our country. (Negative) Summer is one of them
(c) It is called the hottest of all seasons. (Positive)
(d) It makes everyone feel thirsty. (Passive)
(e) It is also called the season of various juicy fruits. (Active)
Answer: (a) Shall I not say s9mething about the seasons of Bangladesh?. (b) There are no fewer than six seasons in our country. (c) No other season is called so hot as it. (d) Everyone is made to feel thirsty by it. (e) People also call it the season of various juicy fruits.
Why is it so hard to see?