Change the following passage into indirect speech.
Narrative Style – 91
She said to her friend. “Could you lend me this?” “Why, yes, certainly,” said her friend. “Thank you so much. I will return it tomorrow,” said she.
Answer: She asked her friend if she (f) could lend her that. Her friend wanted to know the reason and replied in the affirmative that she (f) would certainly lend her that. She thanked her (f) and said that she would retum it the next day.
Narrative Style – 92
“Good morning, students,” said the teacher. “How are you?” “We are fine, sir. What about you?” “I am fine too. Please, sit down.” “Have you prepared your lesson?” the teacher asked. “Sorry, sir, we have not prepared our lesson,” they replied.
Answer: The teacher wished the students good morning and asked them how they were. They student respectfully replied that they were fine. They also asked him how he was. The teacher replied that he was fine too and requested them to sit down. Then he asked them if they had prepared their lesson. The students respectfully replied that they were sorry and added that they had not prepared their lesson.
Narrative Style – 93
“Stop writing now. The time is over.” “please wait a few more minutes. I came late,” the student said. “That can’t be an excuse. The school is not responsible for your delay,” said the teacher. “Sorry. sir”.
Answer: The teacher told the student to stop writing then and added that the time was over. Addressing the teacher as sir, the student requested him to wait a few more minutes. He ( s) added that he (s) had gone late. Then the teacher said that that couldn’t be an excuse. He (t) added that the school was not responsible for his (s) delay. At this the student respectfully said that he (s) was sorry.
Narrative Style – 94
“I came to Dhaka this morning. I sent you a telegram before starting from home,” he said. “Did yoµ receive it in time?” he asked. “No,” I replied.
Answer: He told me that he had gone to Dhaka that morning. He added that he hadsent me a telegram before starting from home. He asked if I had received it in time. I replied in the negative.
Narrative Style – 95
“Have you seen your mother Jerry?” “I see her every summer. She sends for me.” I wanted to cry out. “Why are you not with her? Her can she let you go again? He said. “She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can She does not have a job now”
Answer: I asked Jerry ifhe had seen his rriother. Jerry replied that he saw her every summer and added that she sent for him wanted to cry out. I again asked him why he was not with her and how she could let him go away again Jerry again replied that she went up there from Mannville whenever she could. He also said that she did not have a job then.
Narrative Style – 96
“Why don’t you attend the classes?” the teacher said to the boy, “You cannot expect good results unless you attend classes as I tell you”. “I am sorry. sir. I have offended you.” said the boy. “Thank you.” said the teacher.
Answer: The teacher asked the boy why he did not attend the classes and said that he (b) could not expect good results unless be (b) attended class as he (t) told him (b) The boy respectfully told him that he was sorry and added that he (b) had offended him (t). The teacher thanked the him.
Narrative Style – 97
“Don’t you understand what I discuss in the class? “Yes sir but we are afraid of English. So we are weak in this subject.” “Be attentive and you will be able to overcome your fear. “the teacher said to the students.
Answer: The teacher asked the students if they understood what he discussed in the class. The students respectfully replied in the affirmative and said that they were afraid of English. They added that format reason they were weak in that subject. The teacher advised them to be attentive and thus they would be able to overcome their fear.
Very Helpful. Thank you so much