Raul N Patch
2923 Pointe Lane
West Danville
Vermont 05873
5th December 2020
Robin T Clyde
1458 Victoria Street
Baton Rouge
Louisiana 70802
Dear Robin,
I would like to personally congratulate you on your retirement from our Bright Tech Solutions company. I enjoyed working with you during your time here, and I consider you not only a valuable asset to our company but an enjoyable presence in the office, as well.
While you will be missed by all of us at Bright Tech Solutions, you certainly deserve your retirement. Your hard work and diligence have greatly benefited our company, and I hope that the remaining employees here will strive to follow your stellar example.
Your contributions to our overall marketing strategy and the daily operation of the department with the guidance you provided to the product marketing managers will be sorely missed. We do appreciate your recommendation that the team is self-directed and developed sufficiently to not need a leader, just a way to keep in touch with and understand the overall direction.
It has always been my pleasure to work with you. So, while I am saddened to see you go, I am confident that you will find the same success and happiness in retirement that you experienced during your time here.
I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Retirement will surely offer you many new opportunities, which I know you will embrace whole heartedly, just as you did at our Bright Tech Solutions.
Please keep in touch, and visit often if you find that you have the time. I hope you have a fun and fruitful retirement!
Best wishes,
Raul N Patch
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