Complete the allowing text with suitable verbs in the box with their right form:
Example – 91
The foods that we eat can be (a) ——— into six kids according to what substance they (b) ——– and what benefits they (c) ——— to us. Fish, meat, peas and milk (d) ——– us with protein and they (e) ——- our body and help us grow. If we (f) ——– all these, we can (g) ——— well. Vitamins and mineral salts (h) ——– us from diseases. They keep us fit for work.
Answer: (a) divided; (b) contain; (c) do; (d) provide; (e) build; (f) take; (g) grow; (h) protect.
Example – 92
Regular participation in games and sports (a) ——– good health, and good physical health give one good mental
health. Keep in mind that to study when it (b) ——– time for that and to play when it is time for play is a good rule
to follow. Good children do (c) ——– in games all day long. As soon as it is time for a study they (d) ——- down to study. For this reason, everybody (e) ——— them with love and tenderness. They never (f) ——- a sorry figure in the examination. They (g) ——— fair to success. They can (h) ——– in life.
Answer: (a) ensures; (b) is; (c) not indulge: (d) it; (e) treats; (f) cut; (g) bid; (h) prosper.
Example – 93
Communicative competence in English is urgently (a) ——- in our country. The present world (b) ——– fast and developing by leaps and bounds. In order to keep pace with the present world, we cannot help (c) ——- English but the present system of teaching and learning English is not up to the mark. The textbooks (d) ——- for the secondary classes have to (e) ——– and made updated. Language specialists (f) ——- that acquiring a language is more successful, and longer lasting than learning It (g) ——— perseverance, hard-working, concentration, etc. At present, teachers also (h)——- the learners of a second language to practice and experience the language in different situations where they are involved, in communicating with others.
Answer: (a) needed; (b) is going; (c) learning; (d) written; (e) be modified; (f) believe; (g) needs; (h) encourage.
Example – 94
Nobel Prizes (a) ——- every year for outstanding achievement in the fields of science, literature and for (b) —— world peace. Under this prize, the prize winner (c) ——– gold medal, a certificate, arid a large sum of money. This prize (d) ——— to persons with most outstanding contribution in six fields. Economics (e) ——– in the list in 1969 for the first time. One prize is given in each field. If there (f) ——– more than one recipient of the prize in one field, the prize money is equally (g) ——— amongst all the winners. This prize (h) ——— by Alfred Bernhard Nobel.
Answer: (a) are given; (b) promotin1s; (c) gets; (d) is awarded; (e) was added, instituted; (f) are; (g) distributed; (h) was instituted.
Example – 95
It is high time, we (a) ——— our brain about the curse of dowry. The issue of dowry (b) ——- be considered in view of the country’s socio-economic, cultural, political circumstances. United efforts (c) ——– to put end to violence against women. A specific framework must (d) ——- up to be (e) ——— Anyway, we can (f) ——- that dowry (g) ——— to an end in the time (h) ———–.
Answer: (a) exerted/used; (b) has to; (c) are required; (d) be drawn; (e) implemented; (f) hope; (g) 1 will come; (h) coming/to come.
Example – 96
The National Memorial (a) ——— the nation’s respect for the martyrs. It (b) ——— on an anniversary of the Victory Day to (c) ——— the sacrifice of the martyrs. Our love for the country has (d) ——- after (e) ——- the National Memorial. The foundation (f) ——– on the first anniversary for the Victory Day. The entire complex (g) ——– an area of 126 acres. The plan of this complex (h) ——– a mosque, a library, and a museum.
Answer: (a) symbolizes; (b) was inaugurated; (c) remember; (d) been proved; (e) constructing; (f) was laid; (g) covers; (h) includes.
Example – 97
A man who is honest, always (a) ——- from corruption, He does not (b) ——- with the corrupt people. He always (c) ——– to be honest, and frank. He is never (d) ——– doing any illegal activities. He (e) ——– pleasure from (f) —— noble activities. He never (g) ——– after wealth. So, he is honored and (h) ——- by all.
Answer: (a) abstains; (b) associate; (c) tries; (d) seen; (e) derives; (f) doing; (g) hankers; (h) respected.
Example – 98
Now Bangladesh (a) ———- many problems. Unemployment problem is one of them. It (b) ——– may other problems. So, it (c) ——– as the number one problem in our country. Laziness is the mam cause of it. Many a man (d) ——– to change their condition by doing hard labour. If we are not sincere in hard work, we (e) ——- our lot. After being (f) ——– all (g) ——– for a govt job. This trend (h) ——— up.
Answer: (a) faces; (b) crates/is creating; (c) is regarded; (d) does not try; (e) cannot change; (f) educated; (g) desire; (h) should be given.
Very informative. Thank you.