Add prefix, suffix or both to the underlined words in the following text:
Example – 81
Most students get (a) nerve about examinations. As a result, they often forget the answers they get by heart. They fail to answer the questions (b) proper. Many parents put undue (c) press on their (d) child. This turn makes them all the more (e) tense. During the exam, there are (f) vigilators. They are (g) teach who watch over the (h) exam.
Answer: ( a) nervous; (b) properly; ( c) pressure; ( d) children; ( e) tensive/tensed; (f) invigilators; (g) teachers; (h) examinees.
Example – 82
Money can’t buy (a) happy. Money is a must for our life. But it is not the thing that (b) necessary brings our happiness. Happiness is absolutely a psychological thing. It is the name of a feeling. It means the (c) content of the mind. It can’t be purchased with money. The man with vast riches cannot be happy now and then. But the man who is honest and (d) virtue can be happy. So, money can’t (e) sure happiness. In spite of the fact, people nm after money. Money increases one’s (f) society status. Hean make one (g) fame as well as (h) wealth. We can do without happiness but we can’t do without money.
Answer: (a) happiness; (b) necessarily; (c) contentment; (d} virtuous; (e) ensure; (f) social; (g) famous; (h) wealthy.
Example – 83
The scene was (a) —– (beautiful) described. The (b) —— (music) was an old man. He was (c) —– (beard). It was (d) —– (origin) (e) —— (think) to the audience. He charmed the audience who were (f) —– (thank) —– to him. Suddenly some (g) —— (fore) —– entered the hall. They seemed (h) —— (mind) as they were unaware of the joyous atmosphere.
Answer: (a) beautifully; (b) musician; (c) bearded; (d) orjginally; (e) unthinkable; (f) thankful; (g) foreigµers; (h) unmindful.
Example – 84
A book fair is a large-scale (a) exhibit of different kinds of books. It is (b) occasion held in our country. The bookstalls are (c) temporary built and then decorated. The (d) publish organize it in order to (e) play the works of different authors. The (f) decorate work is completed costing a lot of money. The (g) organize do not worry for the (h) expend because they can make a profit by selling a lot of books.
Answer: (a) exhibition; (b) occasionally; (c) temporarily; (d) publishers; (e) display; (f) decoration; (g) organizers; (h) expenditur.
Example – 85
It is the (a) responsible of human beings to prevent the environment from being spoilt. To make life (b) Health and (c) comfort we should keep the environment clean and danger free. But often people spoil the environment by doing (d) wise things and consequently (e) danger their own lives. It is the (f) ecology imbalance that causes changes in the world’s climate and brings about (g) differ kinds, of (h) nature disasters.
Answer: (a) responsibility; (b) healthy; (c) comfortable; (d) unwise; (f) endanger; (f) ecological; (g) different (h)natural.
Example – 86
Money is the means of leading (a) world life, (b) Short of money makes our life (c) deplore. We cannot lead our life (d) proper in want of money. But there is (e) difficult in earning money. Our peace and (f) prosper are (g) depend on proper utilization of money. Spending money in an (h) proper way can lead us to the path of destruction. So we should be careful in spending money.
Answer: (a) worldly; (b) Shortage; (c) deplorable; (d) properly; (e) difficulty; (f) prosperity; (g) dependent; (h) improper.
Example – 87
An (a) intellect is one who is a (b) progress person. He has to (c) enlight others. He works for the (d) better of his motherland. He also works hard for the (e) eradicate of national maladies. In fact, (f) genuine problem. He loves when there is any (g) nation problem. He loves his country (h) genuine.
Answer: (a) intellectual; (b) progressive; (c) enlighten; (d) betterment; (e) eradication; (f) tnsp1ration; (g) national; (h) genuinely.
Example – 88
The importance of learning English cannot be denied and (a) —— (exaggerate). English which is called a Lingua Franca is an International Language. As modem world is a (b)—— (globe) village, the people are closely related to one another for different purposes. like business, (c) —— (diplomat) correspondence and (d) ——- (employ) opportunities. The international market (e) —– (quire) English (f) —— (know) person. You cannot think of higher (g) —— (educate) without English. As the modern world is an (h) —— (digit) village, we cannot do without English.
Answer: (a) exaggerated; (b) global; (c) diplomatic; (d) employment; (e) requires; (f) knowing; (g) education; (h) digitahzed/digital.
Example – 89
Dowry is (a) bearably the most (b) graceful practice in our society. It is our (c) social activity (d) Usual the women are (e) victim m the concern, (f) Eradicate of dowry system is the demand of the time. The dowry (g) seek deserve the highest (h) punish.
Answer: (a) unbearably; (b) disgraceful; c) antisocial; ( d) Usualiy; ( e) victimized; (f) Eradication; (g) seekers; (h) punishment.
Example – 90
Smoking is (a) harm to health. It is also (b) cost. (c) Smoke should not smoke (d) public Smoking creates (e) pollute. Smoking causes many (f) curable diseases. It causes (g) comfort to others. But there are many people who are (h) aware of the harmful effect of smoking.
Answer: (a) harmful; (b) costly; (c) smokers; (d) publicly; (e) pollution; (f) incurable; (g) discomfort; (h) unaware.
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