31 December 2020
Mirpur, Dhaka
My dear father,
At first, take my salam. Hope you all are well. I am also fine. I received your letter before some days. You wanted to know how I have done in my examination. You have nothing to worry about it. By the grace of Almighty Allah, I have done pretty well in the examination. I hope that I shall get 98 marks in Math. I also have done well in English. I hope I shall get suitable marks in English. Another subject I also perform well. But now at this time, I am busy with my practical examination. After my practical examination. I am r sure to go home. So, please don’t worry at all for me. I am physically and mentally sound.
Please convey my best regards to mother and affection to Rina.
Affectionately yours,
It’s so helpful for me. And it’s so easy.